Client Testimonials

I have known Catherine for several years now. She worked with Zurich Insurance as a trainer, coach and inspirational thought leader during the delivery of Continue Reading

Tim Culling Head of Customer Care for Zurich Insurance

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No Winner Ever Got There Without a Coach

In this book, Catherine Boyle and other top coaching experts share their knowledge and experience to help you understand what coaches do and how they do it....

The Book – No Winner Ever Got There Without a Coach

In this book, Catherine Boyle and other top coaching experts share their knowledge and experience to help you understand what coaches do and how they do it. You will gain an insider’s view of how to achieve your goals and create a more fulfilling life.

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Luminar’s Mission…

Consider what “spirit in business” means to you. For most people the two do not go hand in hand. For us, one cannot exist without the other. We find people at all organizational levels are most successful when the work they do is aligned with their strengths, values, and purpose. It is our goal to help individuals, teams and organizations define these, and determine how best to put spirit into positive action.

How Do We Do This?

We specialize in Executive Leadership Design focused on helping leaders hone their passion and build healthy teams.  We believe that translates to healthy profitable business.
Strong leaders need unbeatable teams.  Using proven tools and expertise, we excel at partnering with leaders to build spirited organizations that set and meet exceptional goals.