September 12, 2016
April 21, 2017

I have known Catherine for several years now. She worked with Zurich Insurance as a trainer, coach and inspirational thought leader during the delivery of a significant programme known as ‘Mastering Service Excellence’.

During my 33 years with the Zurich Group, I encountered a good many trainers, coaches, mentors and leaders. Rarely did I meet anyone with such a broad range of skills, such highly developed emotional intelligence or such inspirational qualities as Catherine.

She is always calm, professional and attentive in her interactions with the people she works with. I most appreciated (as did all of my colleagues who have met and worked with her) her ability to ‘stay on message’ whilst also responding to and working through the inevitable challenges and extra needs that people encounter when developing their soft skills. She makes a genuine and instant connection with those that she coaches to the extent that they see her as a ‘trusted adviser’ from very early on in their relationship with her.

I have no hesitation in providing this recommendation for Catherine. She has been an excellent colleague, a consistently high quality and inspirational coach to all those she has worked with (as the feedback from those she has worked with has consistently demonstrated) and she has established herself as a widely and highly respected people and customer-centric thought-leader by all those who have had the good fortune to work with her during her time as a coach to those people both she and I know.

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